19 dezembro 2022


| 9Comentário

Comfort and safety when getting dressed, going out, wearing that piece of clothing and looking in the mirror and not seeing that you are marking anything should be one of the first requirements when choosing a piece of clothing before buying it. Disguise that unwanted fat or even hide a body part on a given day simply because you want to highlight another part.


Knowing that a piece of clothing has its benefits, among these: helping to improve our self-esteem, improving posture, providing comfort and safety when dressing.


When we evaluate the purpose of a product and look for wholesale shapewear. We need to be very attentive when shopping and know what objective we want to achieve when buying a certain piece of clothing, because in addition to the benefits I have already mentioned, the main function is to protect the body and prioritize the comfort that the garment offers. A very important tip is to be aware and not buy a piece with the number unless you are used to wearing it. Always look at the measurements of the clothes so that everything is perfect when it arrives and you are going to wear it.

Look here 1


Evaluate each item and see what works best for you, your body and your lifestyle.

To do physical activities, it is ideal to choose wholesale womens sportswear. They are pieces that don't mark the body, dress in a way that provides comfort and allows us to do the activities correctly since the clothes allow our body to move very well.


There are also pieces that take a good part of the body and so you improve your posture, give the feeling of slimming your waist and so you wear only one piece that models a good part of the body.

An important tip is also to know how to use underwear the right way, always paying attention to your number/size. When purchasing wholesale sexy lingerie it is good to use it in special moments. They are of excellent taste and the quality is great. The ideal is to pay attention when washing so as not to damage the piece.

The important thing is to dose the measures well and start using them correctly, always respecting the manufacturer's recommendations so that the effect is good and effective.




9 comentários:

  1. Morro de vontade de experimentar esse segundo modelo.
    Parece trazer um bom benefício as curvas.
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  2. Concordo totalmente com o texto: é preciso que avaliemos de forma honesta e objetiva cada roupa que provamos. Nem tudo que é bonito cai em bem em nós e não há mal em fazermos alguns ajustes, usando uma cinta confortável e eficaz, como parece ser esta da primeira foto.


  3. Acho essas cintas modeladoras muito práticas, em especial quando estamos mais inchadinhas
    Alécia, do Blog ArroJada Mix

  4. Olá Vanessa
    Ótimas dicas, desejo um Feliz Natal, Cristo reina em nossos corações e um abençoado 2023, um forte abraço.

  5. Oi
    eu já tive um parecido com o primeiro modelo, mas não gostava de usar o que tinha porque era incomodo.


  6. Olá, Vanessa!
    É um item que uso muito quando vou colocar um vestido.

    Feliz Natal para você e a sua família!

    Um beijo,


  7. Que loja maravilhosa, já quero as roupas fitness



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por Lorena Alves